Saturday, August 31, 2019

Theo Georgiades

Dramatic irony is a feature of many plays. It occurs when the development of the plot allows the audience to have more insight about what is happening than some of the characters themselves. Iago is the source of much of the dramatic irony in Othello, informing the audience of his intentions. Characters may also speak in a dramatically ironic way, saying something that points to events to come without understanding the significance of their words. The opening scene is laced with dramatic irony, all of which centres on Iago. Roderigo fails to see that a man who admits he is a self-serving conman – â€Å"I am not what I am† – might also be fooling him, and Brabantio is unaware of the aptness of his line â€Å"Thou art a villain†. Iago has exposed himself very early and we watch fascinated as he manipulates others. In Act I, Scene III, we almost admire Othello's â€Å"free and open nature†, as Shakespeare states, but we are worried that Othello is gullible enough to be taken for a ride. His choice to place his wife in Iago's care is frightening, although it shows his high opinions of him. We are given two menacing hints about the future progress of Othello's marriage when the senators leave; Brabantio warns Othello against trusting Desdemona, while the first senator tells Othello to â€Å"use Desdemona well†. These lines are examples of dramatic irony; hints to the audience about the way the plot will develop. In Act III, Scene III, Othello is under pressure from the moment he enters. He is able to order his wife, although he seems nervous throughout his dialogue with her at the start of the scene. There is acknowledgment in his line â€Å"I will deny thee nothing†, as we are very well aware that this line is very true. We might feel that Othello is already on the threshold of disaster, even before Iago's words get to him properly. As Desdemona leaves Othello says â€Å"Excellent wretch [†¦] come again† (see lines III.3.90-2). These lines suggest that Othello will be completely lost if his love is shattered. Note the two words in these lines that hint at the trouble to come: â€Å"perdition† and â€Å"chaos†. The audience will be aware of the dramatic irony of these lines. Also found in Act III; Scene IV is packed with dramatic irony. This sad scene focuses on Desdemona. Emilia's purpose in this scene is to remark on what she sees and hears. She introduces the subject of Othello's jealousy, enabling us to value just how much naive confidence Desdemona has in her husband. We quickly learn that we can rely on her judgement; Emilia accurately guesses that it is jealous thoughts which trouble Othello. Emilia is also intelligent in her description of jealousy; â€Å"It is a monster/Begot upon itself, born on itself†. Later on in the play we will see the excellence of these words. Shakespeare fills this scene with examples of alarming dramatic irony, for example Desdemona's words at lines 25-9 and 30-1. In spite of the fact that she lies to her husband about the loss of the handkerchief, we are likely to feel much sympathy for Desdemona. She does not appreciate the danger she is in, signified by her words at line 30 and is alarmed by her husband's description of the handkerchief and his repeated requests to see it. Shakespeare's play Othello is a play where dramatic irony prevails practically everywhere. The audience is not just an observer, but a kind of judge one might say, having enough information to evaluate the significance of certain words stated by characters that are none the wiser; and can therefore sit back and enjoy the art in the villain's skills aswell the excellence of Shakespeare at play.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Explain the contribution of Teresa of Avila to mysticism Essay

Transfer-Encoding: chunked i »? Explain the contribution of Teresa of Avila to mysticism (35) Mysticism is an aspect of religious experience that is little understood. This term has been used to describe experiences that reveal spiritual recognition of truths beyond normal understanding, from the mildly ecstatic to the occult. It has been said that there are certain features which accompany such experiences which enable their recognition, such as a sense of freedom from the limitations of time, space and the human ego. Believers may also experience a sense of â€Å"oneness† or unity with God, accompanied with bliss and serenity. Mysticism is seen as the closest a human being can ever come to actually meeting God in this life. Mystical experiences can also be classified into two areas: extrovertive, where one experiences unity in the world through the physical senses and introvertive, where the person loses their identity as a separate individual and slowly merges into the divine unity. A key introvertive mystic is Teresa of Avila. In examining her contribution to religious experience, a good place to start is considering her background. Teresa’s background may be key to understanding her enigmatic personality and experiences. She was a woman from a wealthy background and had a turbulent start in life. When she was seven her mother died, and when she was fourteen she ran away to seek martyrdom. She had an alleged love affair with her cousin that tarnished her reputation and effectively made her unmarriable. This, coupled with her obsession with books of chivalry, may have corrupted her view of what love really is. Her father decided to send her into an Augustinian convent where she was very unhappy. This sense of rejection played a major part in her later religious experience. It was while she was in the convent that her religious experiences began. In 1554 she had a deeper conversion when she saw a statue of Jesus after he had been whipped. She was deeply moved and wrote, â€Å"I felt so keenly aware of how poorly I had thanked him for those wounds that, it seems to me, my heart broke. I threw myself down before him with the greatest outpouring of heart. † After this experience she progressed into a life of intense prayer and the Catholic practice of mortification, so much so that he motto became, â€Å"Lord, either let me suffer or let me die. † She was also deeply influenced by the Confessions of Augustine and other theological books – although she did not have access to the Bible. Perhaps the single most influential experience she had was when she ‘came back from the dead’ after suffering from what is thought to have been malaria. This increased her notoriety. Moving on, Teresa was encouraged to write about her experiences and her books continue to influence mysticism today. Her two main writings are Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle. Way of Perfection is considered her spiritual autobiography. Here she emphasises the importance of praying mentally as well as vocally. In sixteenth century Spain the common people were encouraged to restrict themselves to vain repetitions of learned-off prayers, Teresa rejected this in favour of a more personal relationship with God. Her superbly inspiring classic on the practice of prayer is as fresh and meaningful today as it was when she first wrote it. The Way of Perfection is a practical guide to prayer setting forth the Saint’s counsels and directives for the attainment of spiritual perfection. Through the entire work there runs the author’s desire to teach a deep and lasting love of prayer beginning with a treatment of the three essentials of the prayer-filled life — fraternal love, detachment from created things, and true humility. St. Teresa’s counsels on these are not only the fruit of lofty mental speculation, but of mature practical experience. In The Interior Castle she compares the soul to a castle with seven rooms, with the Trinitarian God residing in the inner room. Growth in prayer enables the believer to reach a deeper intimacy with God, symbolised by a progressive journey through the rooms of the castle. She also describes the resistance that the Devil places in various rooms, to keep believers from union with God. Throughout, she provides encouragements and advice for spiritual development. Teresa’s writings lack Biblical references due to the Spanish Inquisition restricting access to the scriptures, and this grieved her. William James identified four characteristics of religious experience: ineffability; noetic quality; transiency and passivity. All of these care clearly apparent with Teresa’s experiences. Starting with ineffability, this is when one experiences a feeling that cannot be described to anyone else. She wrote that, â€Å"the soul is fully awake as regards God, but wholly asleep as regards the things of this world. † Secondly, noetic quality is when the mystic experience gives insight into truths unobtainable by the intellect alone. This is also apparent in Theresa’s experiences: â€Å"when I return to myself, it is wholly impossible for me to doubt that I have been in God, and God in me. † Thirdly, transiency. The religious experience does not last for long, usually half an hour or so. Though they are remembered, they are imperfectly recalled, but recognised if they reoccur – the recipient usually feels a profound sense of the importance of the experience. Associated with Teresa’s raptures are always visions. Her most famous vision involved her seeing a small angel with a beautiful face holding â€Å"a long golden spear† tipped with a â€Å"little fire† which he thrust into her heart. Finally, there is passivity, when the mystic feels as if they have been taken over by a superior power. In Teresa’s case, her visions were sometimes accompanied by levitation or strange screams. It could be this aspect that led many to believe she was possessed by the devil. In terms of impact, Teresa of Avila had a profound influence on religious experience. She the first female saint of the Roman Catholic Church – the saint of headache sufferers, rather oddly. She was somewhat of a reformer, emphasising a personal relationship with God above rigid sacramentalism. In 1562 she established the strict Carmelite order in various areas of Spain and her writings continue to be studied by believers today.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Book Review “Prejudice and Pride” by Krishna Kumar Essay

The piece of work which is being reviewed is authored by an eminent educationist Krishna Kumar. The title of the book is Prejudice and Pride which has been published by Penguin Books India Limited,Viking in the year 2001. The subtitle of the book ‘School Histories of the Freedom Struggle in India and Pakistan’ reflects major concern as well as the prime area of investigation in this book by the author. It is a comparative study between the school history textbooks of the neighboring countries India and Pakistan. The impetus to take up this path of exploration by Krishna Kumar can also be seen somewhere as his response to the several decades of hostility between India and Pakistan. The writer takes this despair further and observes the general gloom prevailing in the education system of both the countries. However, according to him this becomes clearer by looking on the situation of children’s education in both India and Pakistan, which can be seen as a recipient o f a certain degree of despondency giving it a low priority. Moving on to history teaching more specifically we can see that this problem aggravates as the focus of teaching history only arises political concern without translating it as a concern for the children who are at the receiving end. Therefore with the study of school history textbooks of both the countries Krishna Kumar seems to be tracing different trajectories of ideological presentation of a shared past. This can be seen as also adding up to the hostile attitude of both the countries towards each other. This study is thus based on a comparative study of the school history textbooks of India and Pakistan. Out of this comparison the author brings forth a number of concepts and ideas where both countries who share a common historical background have different takes on its account and staging. However the basic question which the author enquires into is the perception of the past that Indian and Pakistani children encounter at school. Following this research question the major objectives of the author while writing this book can be stated as follows. The one is to examine the rival ideologies of nationalism into which schools attempt to socialize the young. While another is to probe the politics of history writing as a means to understand the contribution that schooling makes to the Indo-Pak conflict. However the author is focusing only the master narratives available in the textbooks for the period of freedom struggle. The relevance of taking textbooks as the centre of observation to achieve these objectives  can be seen in the very nature of textbooks. This can be further explained as interrelation between economy, state and culture can be better understood through the textbooks. They are the clearest embodiments of these relations. Textbooks are simultaneously economic goods (they are often sold to students, parents, and schools), political objects (they are subject to state control and regulation and hence a re the result of political and ideological tensions and compromises), and cultural representations (what is included and not included, and how such knowledge is organized, is a form of cultural politics). Thus the textbooks can be seen as a real epitome of a nation’s ideological, cultural and social background. The central theme of this book thus revolves around the idea that history textbooks are also a recipient of certain kind of representation which is in accordance with the national ideology. This is further elaborated by the author during the course of study where he finds that how the knowledge about the past is selected, reconstructed and represented in the textbooks. This he assumes that holds a great significance for this type of study which intends to probe how a common past acquires distinct versions under two systems of education. He further adds to this argument that why history has taken such a symbolic form. He says that this is because education in India and Pakistan is conceived in both learning and committing to memory, sets of facts that encapsulate, rather than explicate and interpret meaning. This is evident in the examination system where a student is required to learn certain things and just reflect the same in the paper. This he makes clear by using a concept of memory posters which makes a child to remember the reconstructed past without giving much space for reasoned analysis. Thus the history textbook are also conceived as a storehouse of knowledge about the past, about the ‘great men’ of those times and their vision, which children have to learn, imbibe, as it were-never mind that this vision was seldom unified or synchronic in the manner that textbooks would have us believe. Therefore through this the author portrays how the formulation of history textbooks on these premises serves the abovementioned idea that they are primarily composed of nationalistic ideology. The central idea which is propagated through this book is explained very explicitly through various explanations and concepts. The book is divided into three parts excluding the introduction. The part one primarily consists of three chapters where he  focuses on the basic ideas of how the children are made familiar to past, the popular perception about the shared past in both the countries and how a certain ideology is propagated through textbooks. The chapter one possess the title Children and the Past. This chapter examines the psycho-social characteristics of children’s response to the past. Here he talks about the tacit knowledge which is imparted in a child during the course of early socialization in his home. This type of knowledge does not provide any room for rational enquiry. This further leads a child to build up a notion of self as a member of a society and also at the same time to build up a notion of ‘other’ for whom they have a fixed image whose me mory stocks are different to theirs. Thus we can see how the seed of otherness for the one having different historical picture is sowed in the primary socialization of a child. Later the child enters the realm of education in school. Here he explains the need to understand history as a subject with a capacity to enter into a time frame and perspective without being submerged in it. But to attain this he says becomes a hard task as the teaching of history faces challenges against the knowledge of past by children in the form of beliefs and attitude. His next chapter then comes toward the general conceptions of different popular perceptions of past in both India and Pakistan. The idea of freedom and partition is explained very differently in both the countries. The use of the images of Jinnah and Gandhi in Pakistan and India respectively can be seen as a means to portray the image of a reminder of the unfinished business of the freedom movement in both the countries. The chapter after this tends to focus on the relationship between ideology and textbooks. He uses the concept of ‘prescribed’ texts to define the nature of books used in the post colonial countries where teaching of history is highly related to larger socio-political milieu. He uses the concept given by Ayesha Jalal to reflect upon the argument that in both India and Pakistan textbooks represent the grammar of ‘national ideology’. Moving towards the second part of the book which is coined as Rival Histories has six chapters in it. The part initiates with a chapter on how freedom struggle is presented as a narrative in both the countries. The effort to consolidate the nation state is very much explicit in the history teaching. He uses the idea from Anderson that how ‘deep shaping of imagination’ among children is required to have faith in national community. This is the  chapter where he introduces the very important concepts which were used to compare the master narratives of both the countries. The first refers to how history textbooks in both countries choose or do not choose to represent events. Facts are chosen to illustrate the distinctive turn of the narrative that each nation favours at crucial moments in the freedom plot. The second concept is that of pacing. Pacing or the rhythm to which the historical tale is set in the textbooks of both countries is problematic. The tale in both instances is a fast paced one and children are expected to read on and on continuously. They actually slip upon several decades of historical account and focus mainly upon the great personalities and their constructed role. The third concept which he mentions is about the way they end the history writing. The history ends on a different note for both the countries master narratives. It is precisely due to the way they perceive the time of partition. For India the moment of freedom was a time of partial happiness and a sense of loss are reflected in the narration of partition. However for Pakistan it appears as a great triumph to be finally freed from the clutches of highly dominating Hindu country. It does not end only on this note but it also expresses how entering into the new era of self rule of will be exciting and what should be the goals to be attained. This is evident in the Pakistani books as an extension of historical account is visible there in comparison to India where the post partition problems and the activities related to it are also discussed. On the basis of these measures we can see how Krishna Kumar in further chapters investigates into the history from 1857 to 1947. In these chapters he proceeds with a very keen analysis of comparisons of the accounts on all events and their different interpretation. Moreover he also points that how some episodes are omitted and how some are given over emphasis. He takes up the accounts of 1857 and brings up the differences between the presentations. The major differences can be explained in context of portraying the causes of uprising. In India though the writers desist from using the term national but they do say that revolt made the Indian people more politically conscious than before. But what politics might mean in a mid-nineteenth century context is not explained. While in Pakistan a completely different picture is projected where emphasis is mostly on the role of Muslims. Moreover it goes beyond and this is seen as the dilemmas in history writing in Pakistan. This is because  the narrative should not only describe how colonial rule ended but also explain how Pakistan came into being. Thus to justify the happening of Pakistan it must also have a long national movement seeds of which can be seen in the revolt of 1857.Thus Krishna Kumar says that with the help of highly compressed story which does not allow the listener to ask for details therefore the aim of Pakistani textbooks can be seen in the indoctrination rather than explanation. In later chapters writer presents the difference in periodization. Pakistani textbooks put an emphasis on the period from 1907 to 1927 by contrast Indian textbooks generally select the year 1919 as marker of historical times which shaped the course of freedom struggle until the mid 1930s. He further brings above the motive behind focusing on different years as it makes way for the portrayal of Gandhi and Jinnah as heroes and their actions as the ultimate deeds. One more thing he points out is the vise-versa attempt on the portraying Gandhi as a Hindu leader and Jinnah as a Muslim leader in Pakistan and India respectively. Similarly in the book we can see several events which have been a shared experience for both India and Pakistan has been selected and depicted in very different manner. Both the nations form a different take on all the instances and personality. By using the three concepts which has been mentioned earlier i.e. politics of mention, pacing and concept of ending he thus brings forth different angles of the history textbooks in India and Pakistan. He points to how each of these time segments is recorded in the textbooks and reads both omissions and inclusions as symptomatic of larger national anxieties. Importantly, the choice or omission of an event che ats the child of an opportunity to know a situation in all its complexity. In fact, this is a recurring theme in the book the manner in which history textbooks conceives of and interpellates the intended child reader. Thus children are not made aware of the complex arguments in regard to certain historical events. Krishna Kumar ends this book on a very interesting note where he asks children from both the countries to write on the topic ‘The division of India and Pakistan’. He thus brings above a varying picture of opinions. In India he sees a dominant picture of Pakistan coming over where the children perceive it as a synonym for Muslims. This is evident in the idea of a Hindu India with a stereotype of Muslims which is based on hatred and distrust as writer points out. Moving to ideas of the Pakistani students  we can see whole range of historical periods mentioned where the aim is to show how Muslims suffered at the hands of Hindus and thus partition actually gave them the space of first class citizens. In both sides we can find a common bone of contention between India and Pakistan is Kashmir. Thus in this exercise also there is a reflection of the ideas which are propagated through textbooks. In the last chapter he brings forth the relationship between history and peace. The major argument which he traces in the whole book is that both India and Pakistan differ on the grounds of depicting freedom movement. In India which is defined in terms of tensions between communal and secular forces it actually reflects India’s national identity which also makes Pakistan come under suspicion. On the other hand the freedom movement in Pakistan attains the picture of an age long movement for the freedom of Muslims from a Hindu country. This is evident in the idea that an Indian historian focuses on as to why the partition took place whereas in Pakistan the new birth is celebrated by focusing on how the partition took place. This can be precisely the answer to the question he posed to enquire in the starting of the book. However in the different parts of book he tends to achieve the objectives of his study. The comparative study of history textbooks from both the countries thus helped him to probe into the reflection of the conflict between India and Pakistan in the history textbooks through which the ideologies of young minds are framed . This thus preserves the hostility between the two countries. However he ends on a very positive note where he sees role of education as vital one which can lead to overcome the unsettling effects of their interlocked frames of perceptions. This books thus in comparison to his earlier works can be on one hand as an extension of his focus on school and curriculum and their flaws. While in his book ‘What is worth teaching’ he focuses on fractured, contradictory and divisive nature of curriculum and school knowledge in our country and its insidious disempowerment of the teacher. His very important work the Political Agenda of Education also revolves around the concept of political ideologies involved in the education system. However this book in comparison to his other works comes up with a very different objective and method of investigation. While looking on for other books from other writers which have ventured into similar type of analysis cannot be found yet. Moving from the achievements of the writer we also come across certain gaps  visible in the work. It is known that he is building up a picture of investigation around the period of freedom struggle but he confines himself to a very limited events and personalities of that period. His projection that part of history comes up as if it is only in relevance to Pakistan. He also tends to omit the other popular beliefs of the time which was visible in the form of questions raised by Dalit leaders and also the division of India on the basis of language leading to a discontent in South India Thus the book can be seen as a very different creation with experiment of a new type. The central idea that national ideologies shape the history writing of school textbooks is very cogently presented in the books. The role of history teaching and its impact on the socialisation of the young minds and leading to their formulation of the notion of ‘other’ is also very much clear in this book. But this book also suffers loops and holes in course of omitting other aspects of freedom struggle like low caste and tribal resistances. Book Review Prejudice and Pride: School Histories of the Freedom Struggle in India and Pakitan

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Being Assertive instead of Being Aggressive at Work Essay

Being Assertive instead of Being Aggressive at Work - Essay Example When going for a career start, it is important to understand the present day workplace. The 21st-century workplace is diverse in terms of culture, race, and gender; it is global. Employees must be prepared to deal with people from any part of the world confidently and without bias. One should enter a career with a positive attitude towards teamwork. Organizational success depends on teamwork and communication is the key to a good team spirit development. Career development in the world of new technology depends on one’s ability to adapt to the new technology. All individuals preparing for any career should keep the above points in mind in order to become successful professionals. INTRODUCTION Workplace environment greatly affects the well being, health, productivity and motivation to work in the employees (Jones, 2001). The workplace environment is a factor in the behavior of employees, therefore, it is up to them to maintain a healthy workplace environment. According to (Scot t & Judge, 2006), the personal traits and the affective states experiences by people in organizational setups determine the quality of workplace atmosphere. To play their role in contributing towards a healthy workplace environment, one should enter any career after being well prepared to deal with the challenges of a workplace (Jones. 2001). Self-mastery, conquering control on persona; traits via personal and independent victories of self-control is basic and very important if one wants to reach the level of interdependence in an organization (Covey, 1989). 1. BEING ASSERTIVE INSTEAD OF AGGRESSIVE AT WORK Assertiveness is the key to respectful survival in the workplace (Weinberg & Cooper, 2007). Assertiveness is sometimes confused with aggressiveness. In reality, there is a difference between the two. Aggression refers to pushing others to get what one wants, while assertiveness means to stand up for one’s rights, still respecting the other’s point of view. Assertiven ess is a way of communicating what one wants respectfully but firmly (Sparks, et al; 2001). According to one study by Rabin & Zelner (1992), assertiveness is a major contributing factor in job satisfaction. Training in assertiveness can not only help in enhancing work productivity of an employee but can also contribute towards a successful career (Rabin & Zelner, 1992). Though the line separating aggressiveness and assertiveness may be thin, the consequential implications of both behaviors are contrasting. The result of aggression is usually negative feelings in others and both parties not getting what they want while assertion leads to what one wants without conflict and in such a way that the other party does not feel defeated (Glomb, 2002). 2. BEING PROACTIVE IN CAREER According to Covey (1989), change always originates from within; so it is best to identify what one can do instead of attempting to do whatever comes in one’s way. A proactive disposition, according to Bandu ra (2001; cited in Stadtler, et al, 2010) refers to bring change and complete tasks by one’s actions.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Resume and Cover Letter Construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Resume and Cover Letter Construction - Essay Example This is a good question and it is very difficult to give a proper answer to it. The first and foremost concern is to pick an appealing style, which will be appropriate and relevant to the market of employment. It is relevant to use action verbs (removed, supervised, supported, expanded etc) and some self-descriptive words, such as ambitious, broad-minded, consistent etc are appealing to the employer. A great advantage of chronological resumes is the ability of an employer to trace the exact dates of a candidates places of employment. Another advantage is to see a logical development of one's career development. A chronological resume is one of the most suitable. It is very often difficult for employers to look through different skills of an employee. When a candidate changes his career field very often, then his resume can be a functional one. His main skills and abilities are listed and an employer can choose between available skills and potential of an employee. Combination Resumes are also known as "custom or hybrid resumes". These types of resumes are advantageous because they enable an employee to illustrate his experience with exact dates and to make an employer aware of exact dates/ a process of a careers development. It is difficult to focus both on dates and facts or to shift one's attention from dates to events. This is a resume without any proper formatting. It should be mentioned that this type of resumes is often challenging, but it is possible for an employer to scan pros and cons of the resume. Moreover, an employer can be not satisfied with a proper interpretation of certain points of resumes. With respect to the fact that every employer looks at resumes not more than 30 seconds, it is very important to include keywords and focus ones resume on a particular company (Professional Resumes the Easy Way).  

Monday, August 26, 2019

In Shawshank Redemption movie, King explores the idea of Karma that Essay

In Shawshank Redemption movie, King explores the idea of Karma that is, the idea that what goes around comes around, or as the - Essay Example The guards would beat them up and damage their cells and later ask them to do the entire repair (The Shawshank Redemption). Apart from being beaten, these prisoners had to do everything. When prisoners are beaten senselessly, it proves to other inmates that they do not have to respect one another. Beating up the prisoners also hurts them both physically and mentally. The warden went as far as supporting behavior that was not called for in the prison. However, the guards and the warden failed to recognize that one may not play with Karma. As it is known that â€Å"we reap what we sow,† this is what the warden and the guards had sowed and it was clearly coming back to them. As opposed to the fellow inmates, Andy possessed a sense of self-worth. Some of the other inmates tried to rape him and beat him up, but he managed to withstand all those harsh treatments even though he suffered lacerations and bruises (The Shawshank Redemption). He managed to quietly befriend Red and his tea m of friends. Once they became friends, they formed a dreadful group that always stuck together. There is a lot of prison violence and conflict throughout the movie (The Shawshank Redemption). The worst conflict was when the warden ordered the murder of Tommy who had information that would prove that Andy was innocent. Andy had not been doing the taxes of the warden. When Andy was informed of what the warden did, he got emotional. Andy decided to plan his escape that would set him free and give him a chance to expose the evil warden and the guards. In the Shawshank prison, the warden permitted the guards to torture and even to murder their prisoners. As a warden, he has the responsibility of bringing justice, but when he discovered that he had the opportunity to free Andy from wrongful accusation, he destroyed the evidence that would set Andy free. Apparently, the evidence that he destroyed was the murder of a man by the name of Tommy. When Andy discovered that he had nothing left t o prove his innocence, he became devastated. Karma became quite significant when Andy managed to escape from the prison. Andy wrote a letter to the local newspapers that described how immorally the convicts were treated and even beaten to death in the prison (The Shawshank Redemption). The journalists and the police turned up within some minutes once the information had been read and revealed. This shocked the warden and he got scared and later committed suicide. In the beginning of the movie, the warden displayed the characters of Christian men. He ensured that the Shawshank prisoners had the Bibles, and he familiarized the prisoners with his favorite Bible verse, â€Å"Salvation Lies Within.† The warden and Andy both had conversations regarding this Bible verse; however, Andy disrupted the conversation in an encouraging manner. When the warden discovered that Andy had been concealing in the Bible the tool which assisted him to flee, his jaw dropped. No one knows how people may react to what they are told and how the precise opposite may set them free. The film depicts that everyone gets what he deserves. The warden and the guards received their punishment just like they mistreated the inmates (The Shawshank Redemption). People may dance through life doing evil things to others and even mistreating others, and they may think that they may have a smooth life. Andy was an innocent man who was convicted for a crime that he did not commit. This subjected him to a life that he did not deserve.

Gender Roles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Gender Roles - Essay Example It will further highlight, with reasons, on whether or not the writer would change gender. According to Crooks and Baur (2011), human sexuality defines the manner in which we understand and articulate ourselves as sexual beings. The aspect of being male or female determines how one develops socially, with or without consciousness. It gives a fundamental source of motivation. For example, males are perceived as being more able to hold leadership positions than females, be it in political or business roles. Therefore, they can easily win elective posts. They are also considered to be able to physically defend themselves than females. This suggests that men’s masculinity accords them more physical strength than women. Financially, men are believed to earn more than women, although contemporary trends may prove otherwise among the younger generations. Depending on the generation, any gender can be financially independent. However, all these perceptions may only be stereotypical. Research has shown that women are better at handling emotional turmoil than men (Crooks & B aur, 2011). Women are less represented in emotional diagnostic categories, or impulse control disorders. In men, such difficulties lead to drug and alcohol abuse delinquency, violent outbursts and sexual misconduct than they do in women. Women are also confronted by less self-destructive and irrational sexual desires. Rather than wish to belong to the other gender, it is more prudent to accept oneself and work towards getting the best out of what one was destined to be. For instance, men can have female friends because women are prone to discuss relationships and offer more social support instead of indulging in activities aimed at disguising social ill. On the other hand, women can find comfort among themselves because they do not always reciprocate the platonic interests of friendship with men. Clearly, one would rather stay as they are and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Role of Social Media Before, During and After Emergencies Dissertation

Role of Social Media Before, During and After Emergencies - Dissertation Example Adequate preparedness has been important in mitigation of the destructive consequences of disasters. Social media has been used to share critical information and facilitate coordination between disaster response teams when other forms of communication are unavailable. Further, due to the universal communication capabilities of social media, it has been extensively used to aid recovery following a disaster, as it is possible to appeal to people all over the world to donate towards the cause through a brief social media campaign. As it is the case with other communication technologies, usage of social media tools in disaster management is not devoid of limitations. These limitations which are centered on technological, regulatory and reliability perspectives of communication lower the quality of information in the social media, thus rendering it ineffective for crisis management. The challenges can be overcome through the enhancement of technological and regulatory frameworks underlyin g social media. Social media should not be used as the alternative to traditional media but should rather be used as a complementary media to enhance the overall communication in the disaster management cycle.Recently, the world has witnessed the myriad chain of disasters. From Hurricane Katrina in the United States, deadly earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, Katrina in U.S, earthquake in Haiti, exceedingly cold winter in Europe, and terror bombings in various parts of the world. With the rise of disasters in the past few years, it can be expected that their frequency will increase in the future years, especially with respect to natural disasters that may not be averted(Keim, 2011). Due to the frequent disasters, there has been an increased need for communication as people seek to reach their families and friends in the crisis zone, and get information concerning shelter, food and accommodation and transport. Social media has been instrumental in the dissemination of information about these crises by allowing the sharing of information and calls for help.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Riding a wave of creative destruction reflections on Ecology and Essay

Riding a wave of creative destruction reflections on Ecology and Society - Essay Example The comparison between academic exercises carried out and stored on paper with the new trend of doing the same thing electronically is done in this article in a systematic way. The overall position taken by this article is in favor of the use of electronic medium in academic exercises. As the present use of the electronic medium in academic research is full of controversies, and has always been questioned in terms of credibility and authenticity, this article has tried to prove it otherwise. A step-by-step explanation is offered on all the aspects of credibility and authenticity. This is why it is asserted by the authors (Gunderson, Folke, and Lee) that â€Å"Ecology and Society (has) set out to become a credible scientific outlet by asking respected scientists to be members of the editorial board, and implementing a double-blind review process for each manuscript.† This article, also stresses another important feature of going electronic in academic research. It is reminded t hat electronic publishing involves less technical hurdles and less financial liabilities, thereby enabling the publisher to disseminate information and knowledge for free. There is also the acknowledgement that the new approach in academic research is here to stay- whereby the â€Å"interdisciplinary niche† is established (Gunderson, Folke, and Lee).

Friday, August 23, 2019

Empirical paper on international finance or open economy Essay

Empirical paper on international finance or open economy macroeconomics - Essay Example A deep and well-supervised financial sector is essential for efficiently intermediating foreign finance into productive investments. It has also been shown to reduce the adverse effects of capital flow volatility. Countries with better institutions attract relatively more foreign direct investments and portfolio equity flows, which are more stable than debt flows, and as a result, the likelihood of promoting indirect benefits. For each of the threshold category, an appropriate and conceptually sound measure was chosen. Financial depth; the proxy used for financial depth is the ratio of private credit to GDP. Also include in the measure of financial depth and development are stock market capitalization sum and credit to the national GDP, the ratio of GDP and institution measures such as creditors’ rights ii. Institution quality; the proxy used to get aggregate institutional quality get derived from a simple average of the six World Bank Governance Indicators (WBGI). The six aspects of institutional quality covered by WBGI are: violence and profit stability; accountability and voice; quality of the regulatory; government effectiveness; the rule of law and control of corruption. iii. Regulation; the proxy used is an index of the rigidity of labor regulations from the International Finance Corporation’s Doing Business Database. The database captures an economy’s ability to adapt to changing business conditions that include financial flows. Since data is only available from 2003, average for each country is used as a fixed regulation variable. iv. Trade openness; the totals of imports and exports of goods and services, expressed as a ratio to GDP is used as the proxy. The measure of policy openness to trade can be defined as the proportion or level of years for which the trade regime/ era is an open one also got included. v. Macro policies; the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Murder Mystery story Essay Example for Free

Murder Mystery story Essay This is also securing the readers perspective on Sherlock Holmes. All through the Speckled Band Sherlock Holmes displays his distinct ability to decipher the exact meaning of a situation. At the same time that Holmes is doing this, the reader becomes more and more confused about the situation in hand. This is where Conan Doyles first person narrative becomes crucial to the story. He uses Dr. Watson as a translator of Holmes genius. Watson helps the readers understand exactly whats going on and, in a way, puts their minds at ease. This is typical of Arthur Conan Doyle. He creates a psychological battle in the minds of the reader. He uses Holmes to create a trouble with interpretation of sequences past and to come and then simplifies it through Watson. This is what makes all Conan Doyles stories so brilliant for the reader. Conan Doyle uses Holmes to build up suspense with a possible flaw in Holmes brilliance when he declares that the committer of the crime is more cunning than himself. This is essential to the story. Holmes has been portrayed as the best detective in England up to this point and now he himself declares that he has been defeated. This creates extreme suspense for the reader. Also among Holmes abilities is his ability to disguise himself. He makes himself appear to be a person with distinct business at the Roylott estate. This fellow should think that we had come as architects or on some definite business. This adds to Holmes list of excellencies. He is now toying with the mind of the villain in order to accomplish he task he has been set. The unexpected ending. By the end of the Speckled band Doyle has created such suspense and confusion in the minds of the readers that they are waiting in dire anticipation to find out how it will end. The Speckled Band is, in fact, a poisonous snake native to India, the living place of Dr. Roylott for several years. Roylott used the snake to make its way through the ventilation and into the bedroom of Miss Stoner and poison her. No matter how intelligent the reader they would not have the ability to predict this ending. This is a classic ending because it surprises the reader and although the identity of the villain was obvious all the way through the story, it was never clear how he would have murdered his stepdaughter. This is again excellent writing by Conan Doyle. He builds up tension by repeating the events of the past death of Julia Stoner when Holmes re-enacts the sequences of that fateful night with Helen Stoner as a trap for Dr. Roylott. Arthur Conan Doyle uses vast imagery and description to keep the reader glued. It is with this imagery that he creates the tension and creates a sense of tragedy in the mind of the reader. The word black is repeated several times, and this gives a feeling of doom and imbalance. This, paired with nocturnal, silence, darkness and all the other words of sinister imagery creates more tension for the reader. It all builds up and gives the reader an incentive to carry on, to find out what will occur in the next sequence. All the way through there is a mysterious atmosphere and this only pushes the story further into the classic murder mystery genre. Everything down to he scenery and especially the buildings create a tense atmosphere. Conan Doyle wants to put a picture into the mind of the reader, such that they can almost see exactly they are reading about. Grey, lichen-blotched stone windows broken picture of ruin. All these are distinct factors of a house that can be picture in an infinite number of different ways for each individual reader. As this essay concludes the Speckled Band by sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a classic murder mystery story. All the criteria in the second paragraph have been fulfilled. There can be no argument that Sherlock Holmes is the greatest fictional detective in the whole of English literature and Arthur Conan Doyle is, without doubt, the most memorable writer of classic Murder Mystery stories up to the present day. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Weight Loss Maintenance Essay Example for Free

Weight Loss Maintenance Essay The book that I choose for my diet presentation was Weight Loss maintenance from the Oklahoma State University Library , I chose this book because I feel that most people go on these crash diets and loose all the weight but over time gain all the weight back because they don’t do weight loss maintenance. This book offered a lot of ideas for ways to self monitor your weight and your behaviors to keep the weight off for the long term, not only does this book discuss the physical aspects for weights loss but the physiological aspects. This book discussed very seriously how much weight loss is defined by the successfulness of keeping the weight off that you loose, it is stated that if you loose 10% of your body weight keeping that amount off for a year or more is considered success. Considering that 10 % seems relatively low only 20% are actually successful with keeping the weight off. But it also says that successful weight loss can still be considered successful with a minimal amount of weight gain, this is still considered an over all improved health. Weight loss can either be intentional or unintentional in studies our population looses weight often UN intentional, this can be a factor in how people are either successful with there weight loss or UN successful. In weight loss maintenance success you have to have a strict criterion that can last up to five years, according to there data if this lifestyle is accomplished 21% of overweight/ obese persons will be able to keep the weight off and become healthy. Research done in this book comes from the national weight control registry which was founded in 1994 to study weight loss and weight maintenance strategies of successful weight loss maintenance. In the studies that they did any individual who qualifies to be a candidate must maintain at least a 30lb weight loss for at least a year, this process would not only monitor there weight loss but there weight loss maintenance behaviors, weight loss history, and their quality of life. About half of the subjects report having been overweight as a child and have struggled with weight loss there entire life, also subjects usually had a family history of obesity. In most cases 90% of the subjects experienced unsuccessful weight loss, for many reasons that participants did not have a strong commitment, strict dieting, and keeping up with an exercise plan. In weight loss and weight loss maintenance to be successful studies show that you need to modify both your diet and exercise to achieve your goal, you have to have strict intake of certain types of foods, exercise, and calorie counting. In the strategies for maintenance of weight loss approaches to weight loss can differ widely among different people but the most common success is the three strategies eating a diet low in fat and high in carbohydrate, frequent self monitoring, and regular physical activity. Furthermore, this book talks about how you need to determine what your dietary intake recommendations is and find a diet that is satisfied in the daily reference intake for calcium, vitamin c, vitamin a, and vitamin e. Recently popular diets have recommended restricting carbohydrates to lose weight, in analyzing the participants 7. 6% only reported eating fewer to 90 g of carbohydrates but most of these individuals energy intake was unreasonable low. The participants that had a higher intake of carbohydrates maintained there weight loss for less time and were less physically active. Individuals that watched there over all intake of food could enjoy meals at restraunts. Other studies have shown that successful weight loss maintenance is associated with changes in both the quantity \and quality of foods consumed. Again, these findings state how much eating low fat is an importance in maintenance of weight loss; this includes reduction portion sizes, reduced frequency of snacks. In conclusion, this book discussed some of the major factors that effect every diet plan, and issues that we all face when it comes to dieting, there is a lot of difficulty in long term weight maintenance but sticking to a diet low in fat, self- monitoring body weight and food intake, and engaging in high levels of physical activity can make a diet successful for you long term. Self monitoring requires substantial effort but is worth it in the end, it can be a life time struggle but once you have maintained a weight loss for 2-5 years the chances of longer term success greatly increases.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Legal Requirements for Child Well-Being

Legal Requirements for Child Well-Being Binnet Mastoor Q1) Current legal requirements are needed for those in order to ensure the childs wellbeing this has to be ensured in the childs from reception and other classrooms the law has been passed to ensure that the child had an providing the information so that the parents are aware. Also the law ensures training and advice for the parents in the child care settings so that they are fully aware and ready to be prepared for time off emergency that faces their way. The outcome also ensure that the child is not any risk from poverty so this means that thy are fed properly and this law is also linked with every child matters so that there are no inequalities between children and the child care provider. There legal requirements re also required by the Ofsted publications so this suggest that they must be followed. In summary the statutory framework for the early years foundation stage enables that the adult to child ratios are equalised and this enables the child to be safe and that their well-being addressed. The learning and development skills were put forward as expectations which were required by the child care provider so that the child is comfortable in this child care setting and that everything is set out for their demand. These learning developments ensure that the child has great enthusiasm to learn and build a basic relationship and this will ensure that the child care setting s mutual and that everyone is happy. There are 3 elements which need to be considered so this means the early learning goals such as basic information and misunderstand. There are basic expectations which are required such as communication and language development so that the relationship that can b e based on talking and sharing. This also enables the child speaks and listen and be able to express themselves otherwise without communication makes the relationship awkward in the childcare setting and means there is no contact. The child must also develop personal and social skills meaning that they have a nurturing confidence and form this kind off mural respect and learn to socialise with their children so that they make a friendship and that the child care setting is comfortable with one another. Furthermore they develop physical development they should be able to move and be free be able to nurture with the environment so that they are active therefore the adult must be aware off this so that they can make their relationship suitable for everyone. The child must understand the world and be aware off all the knowledges in order that they are guided in the right way. Also maths is important for a child and this can be developed such as when shopping letting children count how m uch s brought will really help develop maths skills and also describing household shapes in the childcare setting means that they can learn all the time. Also they develop literacy skills such as visiting the library is very important as it helps children gain this sense off vocabulary and can learn to talk and expand on their words. Likewise arts and design is very important so that the childs mind is creative and that they arent depressed and can be fun and imagine role play with other children in this child care environment. The statutory framework for the early years foundation stage means that the child is safe and properly guarded and as a result is not in trouble and doesnt make the child care setting difficult to be in. Q2) Respecting the child individuality means that every child is different and that you in the child care setting admit and treat others as they would like to be treated to keep this relationship between them going and make sure that things are running smoothly. Children usually imitate things from role models therefore off TV or books and therefore means that they need good role models in order to build a good preceptive and if they have good role models then it has a positive effect on them. If you experience others cultures and are educated off this then it builds bridges between the other children meaning that they will get along because everyone understand and respects one another views it has also been proven to reduce prejudice thoughts at a young age so that in future discrimination can be prevented. This will also make them accepting off other religion and cultures this includes also sharing their foods with them. Thus opportunity means that they are more educated meaning th at it is highly beneficial for them to know what is going on in order to succeed with them in the child care setting. Achievement says such as sport days at designed as they encourage children to participate with other children and be sociable and they must help one another so they are striving and helping one another to achieve or win this same goal. Furthermore having assess to games means that children build team work skills such as communication and helping each other meaning that their organised. Also it is important that you provide children with good routines and chance to interact in formal settings and this means that they will be more organised as they will learn what cutlery to use as a results giving them manners and doing this daily will make it part off their routine so that it will help them in the long run. Finally a very good thing is reward settings which help encourage children to respect one another some people use reward charts so that children will keep collect ing and usually they respond to tasks quicker this will ensure that they are obedient and that they follow things with almost like a routine. Q3) Consistency is very important as it s the key thing to reward the positive behaviour and to punish the unpleasant or negative behaviour. Children need to be brought up strictly from right to wrong so that they know the difference and so that they dont become confused and just act out. Children in your child care setting need to understand that everyone you do has a consequence and therefore they must control and think before they complete any action to ensure that it is right not wrong. They need to understand that a right action will make adults and other very happy and therefore the child must establish that this is the right thing to do and the unpleasant behaviour can put others at risk and therefore as a result needs to be prevented completely as it can be harmful towards others feeling. They need to ensure that positive behaviour is constant so that their relationship with the child is not at risk and that things run smoothly. Positive behaviour needs to be reinforced such as rewards so this can be carried out by giving them a treat when they do something good or praising them will flatter them and children do like this kind off attention means this good behaviour is then repeated. If you keep encouraging the child as result this negative behaviour will slowly disappear because they will see that bad behaviour causes distress in the house and that good bring rewards and therefore will being them the sense that this is the right thing they are doing. On the other hand negative behaviour is both stressing for the adults and child and can only be stopped with an unpleasant consequence such as being punished otherwise if it goes unnoticed them it can escalate to something more troubling. So for example when they are doing good behaviour may sure you pay attention because then they may feel that they ate being neglected and could therefore start being a harm to the other children as well as themselves. Make sure that you are not afraid to say no once in a while but make sure its strict but firm because if you go over the top it could cause them to be permanently scared which is something you dont want to jeopardise the relationship with the child over. Finally this can suggest that even when there being naughty it is not good to ignore but address the issue but not over the top because this aggressive tone may violate in something biggest and you dont want to break the kids confidence always remember that communication is key and the res nothing talking cant solve. Q4) Managing conflict is very important as it mean that it needs to be stable before it escalates to violence which is another level off conflict. Some say that conflict is natural way off life and that it must be experienced by everyone in their lifetime others day it can be stopped by controlling the trigger. Conflict is not often associated as a positive thing as it can mean screaming as in mentally torturing someone such as name calling however it can be physical such as hitting one another this could be by slapping or nudging which in a child care setting could cause serious conflict and justnesses within the other childrens nature and you need to make sure that the child causing this damage is controlled. To avoid anything escalating to this you need to ensure that your relationship with the child is mutual and that there is a kind off love going on for instance they trust you. To manage this conflict you need to ensure that you are fair with all the children and that you dont pick favourites because if you do it can cause this kn off unsettledness in the house and some may get jealous and act out in more off an argumentative conformity way so fairness definitely plays a huge role in ensuring that everyone is taught the same way as children may act out in time off injustice and make sure that when handling kids you dont have a favourite so that your more likely unbiased in your opinion. When it comes to people important to carry out this research which was conducted to suggest that in texas university is that gender differences between children when identifying areas off conflict. For examples girls will show their conflict side by mate ignoring one another because this sends out a strong message that something is wrong a they may bicker or argue so mostly girls verbally abuse one another to show that they are unhappy whereas with boys it is a different story they will results to violence almost immediately. There are various reasons why children act out this can be because they crave attention or sometimes because theyre selfish and dont want to share toys which can cause a divide. Finally its because sometimes they lack social skills or simply because theyve had bad role model and imitate them.

The Feminist Movement in A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen Essay -- Doll?

The Feminist Movement in A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen    In Henrik Ibsen's, A Doll's House, the character of Nora Helmer goes through the dramatic transformation of a kind and loving housewife, to a desperate and bewildered woman, whom will ultimately leave her husband and everything she has known. Ibsen uses both the characters of Torvald and Nora to represent the tones and beliefs of 19th century society. By doing this, Ibsen effectively creates a dramatic argument that continues to this day; that of feminism. We are introduced in Act I with Nora returning from Christmas shopping. Ibsen utilizes this time for dramatic purposes of the Christian holidays and to show the struggle between a middle class marriage. Nora plans on having a big holiday bash, while Torvald would rather refrain since there is a rather limited cash flow. "Nora: Oh yes, Torvald, we can squander a little now...piles of money" (Ibsen 1506). Torvald follows up with, "But then it is three full months till the raise comes through" (Ibsen , 1506). Nora at this point in the play is nothing more than a child, careless in her action and not thinking ahead of possible consequences. Nora sees nothing wrong in spending big on Christmas. Granted this is a righteous cause, since the holidays are about giving to others, but still a parent should know the limit of happiness they should bring. At this point Torvald begins to act as "society" and unknowingly begins to use condescending terms towards Nora. "Are you scatterbrains off again?" (Ibsen 1506), " dear little Nora." (Ibsen 1507), (You're an odd little one" (Ibsen 1507). Torvald sees nothing wrong in these little pet names he gives Nora. He is absolutely right there is nothing wrong with pet name... ...aged to awaken or give strength to the feminist movement. Works Cited and Consulted Durbach, Errol. A Doll's House: Ibsen's Myth of Transformation. Boston: Twayne, 1991. Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll House (1879). Trans. Rolf Fjelde. Rpt. in Michael Meyer, ed. The Bedford Introduction to Literature. 5th edition. Boston & New York: Bedford/St. Martin's Press, 1999. 1564-1612. Longford, Elizabeth. Eminent Victorian Women. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1981. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. "The Angel Over the Right Shoulder." Solomon 1: 156-64. Solomon, Barbara H., ed. Rediscoveries: American Short Stories by Women, 1832-1916. New York: Penguin Group, 1994. Templeton, Joan. "Is A Doll House a Feminist Text?" (1989). Rpt. In Meyer. 1635-36. Templeton, Joan. "The Doll House Backlash: Criticism, Feminism, and Ibsen." PMLA (January 1989): 28-40.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Freakonomics A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything b

Freakonomics A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner Freakonomics brings together many combinations of thoughts that one wouldn’t find relevant in companionship. The two authors discuss comparisons that are so off the wall, that you almost question reading the book; however, that is the reason many read the book in the first place. The authors Levitt and Dubner compare in one chapter of Freakonomics the reason why drug dealers live with their moms. Throughout this chapter, the authors discuss questions about why intelligent people sometimes do not ask questions that people really care about, advertising and surveys, and why, in general, do drug dealers still live with their moms. The use of testimonial evidence is prudent in the chapter because its proof builds the case for the qualitative evidence used during the drug dealing section of the chapter. I will discuss these three topics in detail and analyze the author’s contributions to the arguments they present, by evaluating how the argument was portrayed based on the ev idence given in the book. â€Å"But if you can question something that people really care about and find an answer that may surprise them—that is, if you can overturn the conventional wisdom—then you may have some luck† (Levitt and Dubner 87). What Levitt and Dubner meant by this passage, is that if you divulge yourself into questions, ridiculous or not, you might find something you are looking for. If there are unanswered questions, and no one is asking them, they are â€Å"bound to yield uninteresting answers† (Levitt and Dubner 87). Meaning, people are not usually asking questions in which they are not interested in the answers. From a personal no... ...ves otherwise. A foot soldier makes, according to the financial evidence given, $3.30 an hour. Actually, many foot soldiers held other jobs to supplement the low wages they were issued dealing drugs. The evidence given in this section of the chapter was useful to the reader to understand and visually absorb the material. As a whole, the evidence given in this chapter was sufficient in building a cohesive thought. However, the advertising and survey section of the chapter through me for a loop and almost made me stop reading the chapter all together. The use of testimonial, measurement, and analytical data discussed in the chapter allowed me to truly understand the point that the authors were trying to get across to the reader. The chapter, like the rest of the book, contains thoughts that are not conventional in nature and are interesting to think about.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

John Grisham :: essays research papers

Dear Yearbook committee, I received your invitation to the class reunion of the UM graduating class of 1981. I am overjoyed to see you all again, and I also accept your invitation to speak at the opening ceremony. As per your request of an autobiography, I wrote a short synopsis of what I feel has affected my writing the most. Hopefully, this will fit in well enough with your scheme for the reunion book. I hope you enjoy. Each one of us has a different road to take, and what we do before and after we make our decisions determine whom we are. So, I hope that I can assist you in assessing me and my writings through this paper, and, thus, I can help you see not only me, John Grisham the writer, but also me, John Grisham the man. I was borne in Jonesboro, Arkansas on February 8th, 1955 ( My family was relatively large, and, unfortunately for us, we were rather poor, but we were never really knowledgeable about it. We were always happy, bouncing, and hyper children. We wouldn’t stay in one town for a large amount of time. We would go to multiple towns for my father, who was in search of a stable carpentry job. At each stop, we would set our valuables down wherever we may be staying and then my mother would take us to the local library. We’d each get our own library card and 3 or 4 books (Pringle 1). Our education came before everything else in my parents’ eyes. Ultimately, we settled in a little town in Mississippi. I didn’t really care for writing very much, but my real passion was baseball. Education didn’t really rank high on my list, despite my parents best efforts. One of my language arts teachers later said that she saw promise in me but I didn’t want to develop it. I would occasionally read classic authors. My personal favorite was John Steinbeck. After high school, I then went to Mississippi State and attempted to become a professional baseball player. After I realized that I didn’t have what it took to make it in professional baseball got a degree in accounting (Jebb 1). I then married my sweetheart Renee Jones from my hometown in Southaven, Mississippi. We had two children who are now 20(Ty) and 18(Shea) and bought a wonderful house on the outskirts of Southaven. John Grisham :: essays research papers Dear Yearbook committee, I received your invitation to the class reunion of the UM graduating class of 1981. I am overjoyed to see you all again, and I also accept your invitation to speak at the opening ceremony. As per your request of an autobiography, I wrote a short synopsis of what I feel has affected my writing the most. Hopefully, this will fit in well enough with your scheme for the reunion book. I hope you enjoy. Each one of us has a different road to take, and what we do before and after we make our decisions determine whom we are. So, I hope that I can assist you in assessing me and my writings through this paper, and, thus, I can help you see not only me, John Grisham the writer, but also me, John Grisham the man. I was borne in Jonesboro, Arkansas on February 8th, 1955 ( My family was relatively large, and, unfortunately for us, we were rather poor, but we were never really knowledgeable about it. We were always happy, bouncing, and hyper children. We wouldn’t stay in one town for a large amount of time. We would go to multiple towns for my father, who was in search of a stable carpentry job. At each stop, we would set our valuables down wherever we may be staying and then my mother would take us to the local library. We’d each get our own library card and 3 or 4 books (Pringle 1). Our education came before everything else in my parents’ eyes. Ultimately, we settled in a little town in Mississippi. I didn’t really care for writing very much, but my real passion was baseball. Education didn’t really rank high on my list, despite my parents best efforts. One of my language arts teachers later said that she saw promise in me but I didn’t want to develop it. I would occasionally read classic authors. My personal favorite was John Steinbeck. After high school, I then went to Mississippi State and attempted to become a professional baseball player. After I realized that I didn’t have what it took to make it in professional baseball got a degree in accounting (Jebb 1). I then married my sweetheart Renee Jones from my hometown in Southaven, Mississippi. We had two children who are now 20(Ty) and 18(Shea) and bought a wonderful house on the outskirts of Southaven.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Eating Healthy Foods Essay

Eating provides your body with the nourishment it needs to survive. A healthy diet supplies nutrients (such as protein, vitamins and minerals, fiber, and carbohydrates), which are important for your body’s growth, development, and maintenance. However, not all foods are equal when it comes to the nutrition they provide. Some foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are rich in vitamins and minerals; others, such as cookies and soda pop, provide few if any nutrients. Your diet can influence everything from your energy level and intellectual performance to your risk for certain diseases. A healthy diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables can prevent problems with the eyes and digestive system as well as reduce risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. A poor diet, on the other hand, can lead to health problems. For example, insufficient calcium intake can affect the strength of your teeth and bones, possibly leading to tooth decay and osteoporosis. Furthermore, eating more calories than your body needs leads to becoming overweight, which is a serious health concern. Overweight and obese people are at higher risk for diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and depression. Because different fruits and vegetables contain different nutrients, it is important to eat an assortment. Everybody should try to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day and to eat a range of different kinds. Fresh produce is not the only option; frozen and dried fruits and vegetables are healthy, too. Although taking a multivitamin can help provide some vitamins and minerals, it is healthier to get nutrients from food. So how can children in particular be encouraged to eat healthfully? Taste preferences are learned through exposure to foods. Mealtimes and snack times are opportunities to promote wise food choices. A healthy diet should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Foods such as carrot sticks, raisins, and yogurt are healthier choices that could be eaten every day. In general, processed foods are nutritionally inferior to fresh foods. These foods, which may have high amounts of saturated fats, trans fats, sodium, and sugar, should only be eaten in moderate quantities. This includes french fries, candy, and ice cream.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Why Michael Jackson is the greatest musical artist

Do you know of a person who has won more awards than any other person in the music industry? What about a person who has inspired other performers to see the world from a different perspective? Or a man who is also ‘there’ for those in need of shelter, food, and water? Only one man in this world, who has distinguished himself through these great accomplishments, is the answer to these questions, and he is Michael Jackson. Indeed, he is perhaps the greatest musical artist of all time because of his success as an artist, whose list of achievements is endless; because of how his music changed the way people look at the world, and also because of how his kind-hearted, caring personality affected others. Firstly, Michael Jackson is the greatest musical artist of all time because of his success. He has released 13 different singles that have reached No. on the charts – definitely more than any other male artist in our history! In addition, he has been officially set as the Most Successful Entertainer of All Time for selling an approximate 750 million records worldwide. Also, he has 13 Grammy awards together with several Guinness World Records. His â€Å"Thriller† album is known as the Biggest Selling Album of All Time while his other records such as â€Å"Off the Wall†, â€Å"Bad†, and â€Å"Dangerous† are the top-sellers as well. So with these, Michael Jackson indeed is the greatest musical artist of all time for being very successful. Secondly, Michael Jackson’s kind-hearted personality also makes him the greatest musical artist. He is a humanitarian who has helped over 40 charities and foundations that include the American Cancer Society, AIDS Project Los Angeles, Make-A-Wish Foundation, End Hunger Network, Childhelp USA, and Great Ormond Street Hospital. In addition, he has spent at least 350 million dollars in funding these purposes. His charitable activities are countless and their effects are enduring. For example, when he established the Heal the World Foundation, it donated 6 tons of supplies as well as supporting treatment for drug and alcohol abuse in Sarajevo. Generally, the fact that Michael Jackson ‘healed the world’ really makes him the greatest musical artist. Lastly, the way Michael Jackson’s music changed the way people look at the world makes him the greatest musical artist of all time. His songs such has â€Å"Man in the Mirror†, â€Å"Black or White†, â€Å"Heal the World†, and â€Å"We are the World† have sent out messages to people to promote positive causes and impacts; whether it is about racism, war, or unity. In addition, his musical style paved way for many artists to develop their skills or invent new styles of music. Moreover, he also influenced many dancers through his music videos such as â€Å"Thriller†, â€Å"Billie Jean†, â€Å"Smooth Criminal†, and more. Hence, his label as the greatest musical artist can be truly defined through his influence in the way people look at the world. Unlike many artists, this man has made major impacts to people of all races around the world. Even 2 years after his death, people still mourn over him because of how important he is to our lives. Whether is it because of his success as an artist, because of a man with a kind-hearted personality, or because of how a man’s music has changed people’s point of views, Michael Jackson is truly the greatest musical artist of all time.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Marketing Campaign: Organic Foods Essay

Our campaign, â€Å"why organic? †, includes a series of print ads that increase awareness to consumers about chemically injected foods. Our campaign is differentiated from other campaigns by the multiple perspectives our ads take while sharing a common theme in design and overall point. Humorous, fearful, and informative pictures and facts are used to show consumers the connection between non-organic foods and disease, cancer, and other disorders in consumers. Although organic foods are more expensive in the long run the benefits of eating healthy outweigh the cost of purchasing them. SWOT Analysis: Strengths. In general, the growing concern for healthful habits is beneficial to our campaign. Mothers’ desire for a long and healthy life for their children is largely helpful. Consumers are becoming more aware of the toxins and chemicals used in foods, and want better grocery options. This is apparent in the recent increase of organic food retail sales. â€Å"The Health of Organic Foods† states that sales have steadily been increasing in recent years. The prevalent demand for organic foods will increase the attractiveness of our campaign while catching the attention of other consumers who are not yet aware or sold on the idea. The honesty of â€Å"why organic? † has the strength to build a strong brand image, making the campaign a credible influence to shopping mothers. Weaknesses When promoting organic food choices, there are factors that could potentially weaken the effectiveness of the campaign. Cost is an important purchasing consideration for consumers and a potential weakness for a campaign supporting organic foods. Traditionally, organic foods are more expensive than average groceries. The recent recession has raised consumers’ cost sensitivity. In addition, consumers lack awareness and require further education about the dangers of food additives and the benefits of organic food choices. Opportunities The opportunities pertaining to a campaign centralized around moving to organic food choices includes improving the standard of living for people who do make the choice to avoid chemically injected foods. Food habits have been changing, which creates big opportunities for our campaign. One opportunity we are implementing is partnering with the Breast Cancer Society to motivate women to eat organic foods, which is proven to help prevent breast cancer. A second opportunity is to pair up with restaurants and have them come up with some organic dishes for their menus to offer consumers. A third opportunity is to form an alliance with the Food Network and allow the chefs to start cooking organic meals, and inform their audiences on the benefits of eating organic food. Food habits have been starting to change, which will help allow us to reach consumers better than ever before. Threats A potential threat to a campaign targeting the dangers in U. S. meats is the potential negative reaction from the USDA. Being a direct advocate for avoiding purchasing their products could possibly lead to heavy controversy and ultimately litigation. So, treading lightly and focusing on solid facts is pertinent. Another threat includes competitors such as McDonald’s and other fast food places, where it’s very quick and easy to get processed foods that the campaign is fighting against. Market Selection We have selected mothers of all ages and incomes as the target market. Typically mothers are the influencing agents on grocery purchases. Making mothers the target of the campaign will increase their awareness regarding the dangerous effects of food additives in non-organic milk, meat, and other non organic products that they feed their children. The dangerous diseases and effects of non-organic foods, creates the incentive to make organic food choices. Promotional Advertisements Our advertisements, â€Å"why organic? †, are designed to attract the concern of mothers regarding the foods their families are eating. Our advertisements make consumers question their current non-organic buying habits and consider organic foods. We developed a print ad targeting consumers who purchase fruits and to increase awareness of the pesticide sprays used when farming and how it affects consumer’s health. Another print ad targets Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) additive links to Breast Caner in women. Studies of animals exposed to rBST, which increases levels of insulin-like growth factor in cows, raise concerns about potential changes in milk protein that links estrogen exposure to breast cancer. The longer the exposure to high levels of the hormone, the greater the breast cancer risk (Organic Valley). The processed chicken print ad is targeted to the 90 percent of Americans who spend their food budget on processed meats that tastes appetizing but have dangerous future health defects (Sustainable Table). Our final print ad targets food coloring and additive links that lead to increased levels of hyperactivity, irritability and restlessness that are common signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) in children. An upset baby surrounded with additives being fed to it will be used as the face of our â€Å"why organic? † campaign. This advertisement will reach our target market of mothers, and convey the message that they are essentially feeding their children ADHD, ear infections, eczema, and other health problems. The call to action will leave consumers questioning whether they would in fact feed their children harmful additives. Benefits Sought/Solutions Provided The benefits of encouraging consumers to follow our campaign â€Å"why organic† increases awareness of the dangerous effects associated with food additives, food preservatives, food coloring and pesticides ingested by consumers daily. The value that will be communicated through the integrated marketing campaign is removing the veil that the meat, dairy, and farmers have put in place through educating consumers and ultimately improving their health and children’s future eating habits. The value extends beyond tangible benefits of preventing cancers, neurological problems, and behavioral issues. The value of the campaign is more than just functional but offers emotional benefit as well like security and confidence. Knowing that the parent is instilling healthy eating habits in their children, as well as being a positive example, plays a significant role in the importance of the campaign. The solution of our campaign ideally will be to ultimately eliminate all forms of genetically altered foods by increasing awareness in consumers to make a difference in their lives as well as others by making the decision to purchase organic and ultimately decrease the profits of companies producing unhealthy foods for consumers. Campaign Execution Print ads with the slogan â€Å"why organic? † followed by a specific health risk and an emotional connection to the picture shown is the basis for the integrated marketing campaign to increase awareness about the dangers of food additives and the importance of transitioning to purchasing organic foods. Specifically, hormone injected chicken which is shown in a photo as a â€Å"pink mush† reveals the truth about processed chicken that most mothers have fed children since childhood. The veil that meat suppliers and non-organic farmers have placed over consumers eyes have shielded the true effects of the processes that food goes through. The whole basis of processing food is to gain more profit through bigger produce and bulkier meat products. The result of these injections and additives are dangerous cancers, hyper-activity, neurological deficiencies, and physical disorders. By keeping the print ads consistent at each consumer touch point is important to conveying a recognizable and memorable campaign in the consumers mind. In order to instill a loyalty to the concept of organic foods, it is important to have multiple touch points that involves more than just the magazine print ads. Joint promotions with the National Breast Cancer Association in the campaign to â€Å"fight for a cure for breast cancer† touches the perfect target market for this campaign, women. According to nationalbreastcancer. org, â€Å"NBCF is one of the most highly visible and recognized breast cancer charities in America. † At the â€Å"Race for the Cure† this October in Charlotte, the magazine print ads will be displayed along the run path which had a participation level of 1 million people in 2010, according to http://www. komencharlotte. org. The ultimate goal for the joint promotion with the Breast Cancer Society is to inform the target market of a possible cause of breast cancer (and prostate cancer). In addition, we aim to motivate them to make adjustments in their food habits and transition towards purchasing organic foods to decrease their risk for the very cancer they are fighting. To have an opportunity to reach such a large portion of the Charlotte target market is a substantial step in impacting mothers in the greater Charlotte area and a step towards moving nationally. In order to spread the awareness of the dangers in food additives the print ads will continue to travel as the race for the cure travels across the country in addition to being placed in four national magazines, on food network TV and on foodnetwork. com which will be detailed in a later section. The combination between magazine print ads and a joint campaign with the Breast Cancer Society will ultimately provide the consumer education needed to persuade the target market to follow our campaign and impact their decision whether to change their food purchasing habits. Marketing Mix: Product The marketing mix is a pertinent factor in the integrated campaign because it ties together each individual effort to create awareness. First, magazine print ads that advocate purchasing organic meat, dairy products, fruit, and vegetables will be implemented. The print ads emphasize the link between dangerous health effects and hormone injected bovine, diary products, and pesticide residues on fruit and vegetables. Pesticides may increase the risk of cancer and neurological problems (such as Parkinson’s disease), impair the immune system, and may even result in hepatitis A found from consuming strawberries. In addition, E-coli infection has shown to stem from non-organic alfalfa sprouts and lettuce. These dangerous effects are just a few of the hundreds of health risks pertaining to non-organic food choices. Place. The awareness about the health risks of non-organic foods will be created via catalogue print ads in Parenting, Women’s Health, Cooking Light, and Mothering Magazine and Internet ads on each catalogue website as well as teaming up with foodnetwork. com and food network TV. Food Network chefs advocating using organic meats and dairy products in home cooking would have a significant impact on mothers learning to cook and grabbing new recipes from such a well renowned source. In the magazines, one print ad shows the link between ADHD, hyperactivity, and food coloring. This ad would be placed in Parenting Magazine to target mothers who are dealing with the increasing problems with hyperactivity disorders in children. The importance of the ad would be to make mothers aware of a potential source for these disorders and to motivate them to make a change in purchasing food items and ultimately decrease their children’s risk of developing a hyperactivity disorder. Another touch point to reach mothers would be placing two of the print ads in Women’s Health Magazine and website. The two applicable print ads would include the photo of non-organic fruit causing neurological diseases like Parkinson’s. A call to action, â€Å"join the fight†, in Women’s Health Magazine would feature the connection between non-organic meats injected with rGBH and rBST and breast cancer. The same print ads pertaining to women can be printed on five by three foot banners and hung at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure this October in Charlotte. The final consumer touch point would be included on foodnetwork. com, their magazine, and Cooking Light Magazine. The print ad to be published on these cooking sites would be the ad showing processed chicken which has been mashed, dyed, injected with hormones and ammonia, and will be turned into chicken nuggets. Chemically injected chicken has been shown to cause underdeveloped metabolism in infants and neurological problems in adults according to buzzle. com â€Å"Pregnancy and Nutrition. † A successful marketing mix is the backbone in creating an integrated marketing campaign and the key to creating awareness among mothers about the true dangers of food additives and the benefits of purchasing organic foods. Promotion In addition to public relations activities to foster goodwill through joint advertising with the National Breast Cancer Society, the event sponsorship will be paired with Internet communications on with links to the campaign’s website and facebook page. From the campaign website and Facebook page consumers can learn about the specific dangers of the foods they purchase, the effects of the additives in their non-organic choices, and download organic food recipes that are plausible for young mothers who are creating the foundations for their cooking habits. Works Cited â€Å"10 SWOT Analysis. † Organic Food Cafe. 25 Jan. 2008. Retrieved Web. 06 May 2011.. ADHD linked to food coloring. Retrieved 8 May 2011. Organic Valley. Retrieved 8 May 2011. http://www. html> Organic Valley. Retrieved 8 May 2011. http://www. organicvalley. coop/why-organic/synthetic-hormones/about-rbgh/> Processed Chicken Effects. Retrieved 8 May 2011. Sustainable Table. Retrieved 8 May 2011. â€Å"The Health of Organic Foods. † Reference Articles on All Topics. CBS, May 2003. Web. 06 May 2011. . â€Å"Processed Chicken,† Agro Products. Retrieved 2 May 2011. http://www. agriculturalproductsindia. com/processed-foods-snacks/processed- foods-snacks-processed-chicken. html> Reference Articles on Organics. CBS, May 2003. Web. 06 May 2011.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Arrivals and departures: Essay

Meeting the child’s needs: Helping the child to feel safe and secure and to reassure them that their parent will come back for them. Agreements with parents : Share any dietary requirements , agree to any sleep pattern , parent to be encouraged to develop their own departure routine . The participation of children: Child will know where to hang coat , put belongings and were to go to begin the day. School / pre-school runs: Meeting the child’s needs: Time to talk about the day ahead ,good preparation routine to ensure no rushing Agreements with parents: Take child to agreed school at agreed time The participation of children: Encourage older children to be independent and carry their own belongings and to be organised Meal and snack time: Meeting the child’s needs: Ensuring the child is aware of when to expect snack times, have a basic hygiene routine before snack Agreements with parents: Ensure parents pass on information about meals , when a child needs to eat and what a child should or shouldn’t eat at certain times. With babies , ensure times of feeds are clear. The participation of children: Children must have a clear hygiene routine before eating , They must be clear about where meal and snack times will take place Sleep and rest: Meeting the child’s needs: Children will need a sleep routine to ensure they do not get over tierd Agreements with parents: Ask parents how much sleep their child will need , when their child should sleep and how the child likes to sleep The participation of children: Children should understand that sleep time happens at certain times of the day for example after lunch Play and activities: Meeting the child’s needs: The child knows when play time will be and can predict when they will be doing play or activites Agreements with parents: Any specific activities the parent may require to happen , for example a child to read their reading book when arriving home from school. The participation of children: Children need to to be aware of key times when it is time to stop play or activities , tidy time will be signalled by a certain piece of music or noise for example whistle or bell Off site visit and outdoor activities: Meeting the child’s needs: Ensuring children are safe at all times Agreements with parents: Agreeing with parents where you will go with their child The participation of children: Children must have specific routines for crossing roads , being at toddler groups or playing in the garden to ensure their safety Home and evening activities for school aged children: Meeting the child’s needs: Many children are tierd and hungry at the end of a school day so a routine is needed to help let the child rest and eat before any activity Agreements with parents: Parents need to inform childminder of any homework they would like the child to do whilst at the setting , for example reading books learning words The participation of children: Children will have a frim routine of collection from school , snacks , quiet time and homework Adapting routines Good routines help children to know and expect and understand what will come next, even young babies can fit into day to day routines. It is important to adapt routines to suit all of the children in a setting. An arrival routine can be adaped for a baby, toddler and school child . A parent and child will arrive at the setting they can then choose an activity thats set out in the morning , for example lego for a school age child, a farm for a toddler and noisey toys for baby. Once child settled the parent and childminder can share information needed to know and then the childminder takes over care sharing play with the child. During snack all children and babies can sit together at the table and drink , babies will need highchairs and the correct cups etc for their age . This will encourage a social time for all of the children. sleep routines can be adapted to suit all the individual needs, some children will need milk before bed others may need a story this could be shared and then children encouraged to sleep or this can be adapted for quiet time for older children. Welcoming and valuing Children that arrive into my setting will be welcomed with open arms , they will be made to feel completely at home, there will be familiar objects around to help them settle in. Each child will have their own space to put their coat and belongings. The children and parents will be asked what activities they like and what they like to do so that daily plans can be shaped around all children and their individual interests , this will create a good foundation for them to discover new things together , it will also help each child to feel valued to know that im interested in them and what they like to do . View as multi-pages

Tort Law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Tort Law - Coursework Example Before this case, if a professional person made a statement to another, and the other person relied upon this statement, the only remedy for this would be a remedy in contract, not in tort.2 Hedley Byrne changed this basic rule, and now parties may recover for purely economic loss, even if there is not a contractual relationship. The facts in Hedley are similar to the case at bar. In Hedley, Hedley Byrne was a firm of advertising agents with a customer, Easipower Ltd., who put in a large order. Hedley carried out this large order, but not before it got a report from the Heller & Partners Ltd. Bank regarding Easipower’s creditworthiness. The bank replied that Easipower was creditworthy, Hedley relied upon this statement, gave Easipower its orders, Easipower went out of business, and Hedley Byrne lost  £17,000 on the deal. Hedley Byrne sued Heller & Partners for their statement. Heller replied that there was not a duty of care, and that liability was excluded. What the Hedley court found was that there was a special relationship between the parties, and the court found that the special relationship was formed because the defendant reasonably should have known that the plaintiff would rely upon the statements that they gave to them. This foreseeable reliance creates a special relationship. Since the decision in Hedley, the UK courts have expanded upon the definition of special relationship and what would give rise to an action in negligence, with regards to people who are professionals. For instance, 3expanded upon the Hedley principle, and stated that if something is common practice, then it is not unreasonable to rely upon the word of that professional, as opposed to being expected to get a second opinion. Moreover, the Smith case expanded the Hedley principle to third parties. However, the Hedley principle is not absolute. For instance, in Caparo Industries plc. V. Dickman4 , a company who was pursuing a takeover relied upon an auditor’s statements